Who is Sigmund Freud?
Sigmund Freud was unanimously named the father of psychoanalysis. He discovered the main themes of psychoanalysis and enforced gradually the practice of psychoanalysis as the neurosis therapy. Being a Jew established in Vienna, in 1899 Freud published his most important work, The
Interpretation of Dreams, dated 1900.
It is the first scientific work dedicated to dreams and comprises a very wide and diverse summary that has always been amplified with successive editions.
It is the book in which Freud analyses his own dreams, presents the stages of dream elaboration and try to explain the structure of psychic apparatus. Here Freud asserts that the dream is the royal road
to unconscious. Unconscious, repression/repressed, resistances, Oedipus complex, infantile sexuality are other important themes discovered by Freud and addressed with the same methodical confidence.
"My life - wrote Freud - is not separated from psychoanalysis". Moreover, his scientific activity in the area
of psychoanalysis becomes the most important event in his life. Most of his psychoanalytical work, his biography and his most important encounters are also addressed on our site at https://www.freudfile.org.
Learn more about Freud approach of dreams from the following online sources:
a 10-lesson email course addressed for beginners. Click here to learn more...
Visit our Paperstore where we sale papers on dreams interpreted through the Freudian method. Click here
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Check out our Ebook section too - there's a work approaching the basics of dreams at Freud and mainly what his readers ignore. Click here to learn more.